The first visit to any new community means encountering the new, the different or the unexpected. Whether you’re a lifelong Lutheran or have never set foot in a church before, we want you to be comfortable, so we offer these few notes.In Worship
Lutherans are a “liturgical” bunch. That means our worship has the same general outline used by Christians since the earliest days of the Church. While there are variations each week, the general order is the same: we Gather (sing and pray together), hear the Word (Scripture readings and sermon), come to the Table (to receive Holy Communion), and are Sent (blessed to go into the world as disciples). “Liturgy” means “the work of the people.” There are no spectators in worship – all are participants.
Music is essential to worship (hymns, praise songs, parts of the liturgy, special music sung or played by individuals/groups), but you don’t have to be a musician to join in.
The entire order of worship is laid out in the worship folder (9:00 a.m. service) or on the screen (11:15 a.m. service) and is easy to follow. Expect to be greeted during the “passing of the peace” in the middle of the service, and don’t be afraid to ask the ushers (or anyone else) for information or assistance.Before and after worship
Some have joked that coffee is a sacrament in the Lutheran church. In truth, we’re less interested in the coffee – or tea, lemonade, etc. – than in the conversation that develops when people share refreshments. Stop in the CTK Cafe, down the hall across from the Sanctuary, or remain in the Entrance Way to grab a snack and strike up a conversation.In General
Christ the King is a place where all are welcome and grace is the guiding principle. We are drawn by Christ’s love and strive to share it with others. We invite and encourage you to be our guest. We look forward to meeting you.