Adult Faith Formation

Adult Forum (September – June)

The Adult Forum meets on Sunday mornings 10:10 – 11:05 in the Fireplace Room. It follows a dialog format that focuses on a variety of topics from Scripture to care of creation to matters of faith, like who is God and why should I bother reading the Bible.

The Forum (July-August)

Each Summer learning and faith formation takes on a new flavor. This summer, The Forum will dive into the Book of Revelation. Myths will be debunked, the end times will be discussed and we’ll learn how this last book of the Bible is really about faithful discipleship and not death and destruction.

Friday Morning Group (September – June)

The Friday Morning Group meets weekly at 10:00 a.m. September – June. Topics have ranged from slow walks through books of the Bible to book discussions like “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan and “A Walk Across the Room” by Bill Hybels. For more information contact Evelyn Goetz.

Men’s Group (Year Round)

You can find the Men’s Group every Saturday morning at 8:00 in the Fireplace Room eating bagels, drinking coffee and discussing the things of life. Life can be anything from the Bible, to defining big theological terms, to deciding which is better – a Corvette or a Porche.